Medical Quiz

Circulatory System Quiz

Vessels that supply blood to the heart muscle

A. Arteries

B. Veins

C. Capillaries

D. Coronary arteries

Select your answer:


Neurological Concepts Transport System in Man Paeds Edema Systematic Bacteriology EKG CCMA Body Fluids Health issue related to immune system Eye Skin and Derivatives Bone Marrow Histology Excretion-Dialysis Diabetes Mellitus The Ankle and Lower Leg Effects of Exercise on the Musculoskeletal System Nail

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Regulation of Heart Rate › View

How does the body respond to an increase in CO2 conc?

A. No change in heart rate

B. increases heart rate

C. decreases heart rate

Health Systems › View

A 30 year woman broke her arm and went to the ER for treatment. Her health insurance plan has a $1,500 deductible. What does this mean
A. She can deduct $1,500 from the hospital bill, but must pay the rest
B. The hospital will only charge her $1,500
C. She is resoponsible for paying, $1,500 of her medical expenses before her insurance starts to pay
D. Her insurance company will only pay $1,500 and she must pay the rest