Medical Quiz

Food Quiz

Which of the following is false?

A. Living things breathe.

B. Living things do not feel changes around them.

C. Living things grow old and die.

D. Living things produce young ones.

Select your answer:


Infant Nutrition The nervous system & brain Basic Structure of the Human Body Vitamins ADVBIO Genetics The Nervous System Heart Anatomy - Muscle Contraction and Growth 5 Major Food Groups Prehabilitation and Conditioning Healthy Foundations EM Spectrum History of Medicine History of Psychology Renal, Cancer, HIV

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Clients with skin abnormalities, open sores, or fever blisters should be referred to a/an.

A. Podiatrist

B. Stylist

C. Physician

D. Gynegologist

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What does hyperthyroidism mean ?

A. The thyroid gland is underactive

B. The thyroid gland is overactive

C. The thyroid gland reduces blood pressure