Medical Quiz

History of Medicine Quiz

What is the primary function of red blood cells?

A. Transporting oxygen to body tissues

B. Producing antibodies

C. Regulating body temperature

D. Breaking down food particles

Select your answer:


Cell Injury Erythrocyte Disorders Bacteria & Disease Serology/Blood Typing The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics Stem Cells & Cell Differentiation Enzymes & Metabolism HL The Human Eye Psychology Vocabulary Infectious Diseases Oronasal Suctioning Male Reproductive System Genetic Engineering Cell and Muscle Histology ICU

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The lack of oxygen and nutrients going to the cells is called

A. Hypoperfusion

B. Pathology

C. Perfusion

D. Pathophysiology

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What is the exclusive marine phylum?

A. Echinodermata

B. Porifera

C. Cnidarians

D. Protozoa