Medical Quiz

Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism Quiz

What is the process that involves the removal of an amino group from an amino acid, resulting in the formation of ammonia and a keto acid?

A. Deamination

B. Hydrolysis

C. Transamination

D. Denaturation

Select your answer:


Carbohydrates and Proteins Cosmetology Circulatory & Lymphatic Heart Structure and Double Circulation Erythrocyte Disorders Pathophysiology - Adaptive Immunity Biodiversity Conservation Laser in Medicine Healthcare Systems and Settings Healthy Lifestyle Blood Cells Blood Formation and Clotting Cell & Bond Cellular Components EMS Systems

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Microbiology › View

What is the purpose of sealing the lid onto the petri dish with sellotape?

A. To allow oxygen to flow in

B. To keep the bacteria from escaping

C. To prevent condensation on the lid

D. To prevent the growth of bacteria


Where Kidneys are present in our body?

A. At back, just above the waist.

B. At back, behind lungs

C. Near belly button

D. Behind pancreas gland