Medical Quiz

History of Healthcare Quiz

Which of the following people developed the antibiotic Penicillin?

A. Wilhelm Rontgen

B. Alexander Fleming

C. Joseph Lister

D. Edward Jenner

Select your answer:


Physical and Sensory Impairment EMR - Trauma Glucose in the Body Digestive and Circulatory System Tissues Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins Histology Skull Endodontic Surgery Surgical & Complementary Terms Muscular System Movements BTEC Biological Approach Revise Dyslexia Characteristics of Life Immunity in Humans

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What does paraplegia mean in the medical field?

A. Loss of function of the arms, trunk and legs

B. Can always be treated successfully

C. Can never be treated successfully

D. Loss of function of the lower body and legs

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Lifestyle behaviors can become risk factors for illness or disease