Medical Quiz

Hematology / Oncology Quiz

Before John can receive a blood transfusion during his surgery, what must be obtained first?

A. Patient’s medical history

B. Consent

C. A nurse’s recommendation

D. Insurance approval

Select your answer:


Vocabulary Health Related Fitness Transportation and Excretion Skin Appendages Health Issues and Concerns Meiosis and intro to Genetics Blood and Hematology The nervous system & brain Regulation of Urine Formation Skeletal System Microbio (Viruses) Surgical Nutrition Oncology Epithelial Tissue The Musculoskeletal System

Other quiz:

Surgical Nutrition › View

Number of hours for stored carbohydrates to be depleted

A. 8 hours

B. 12 hours

C. Stored carbohydrates are never depleted

D. 24 hours

E. 48 hours

Breath › View

What type of breathing with an excess of excitatory afferentation (stress, hysteria, skin burn, etc.):

A. rare, deep

B. dispnoe

C. apnea

D. frequent, superficial

E. frequent, deep