Medical Quiz

Pediatric Cardiology Quiz

What is shock?

A. Inadequate delivery of oxygen to tissues

B. Low blood pressure

C. MAP < 65 D. inadequate delivery of CO2 and HCO3 to tissues

Select your answer:


Biomedical Healthy Living Muscles and Healthy Body Bone, Spine, and Joint Pathology Auditory and Vestibular Neurology Infection Control Corona Inherited & Acquired Traits Genes and Cells Hele Skeletal System Anatomy & Physiology: Respiratory Maximal Oxygen Consumption (VO2 Max) Skin and Derivatives Circulatory & Lymphatic Reproductive System Vocabulary

Other quiz:

Patient-Centered Endocrinology › View

Shared decision-making in patient-centered endocrinology involves:

A. The doctor making all decisions about the patient’s care

B. The patient making all decisions about their care

C. The doctor and patient working together to make decisions

D. The doctor providing information and the patient making decisions

Pathophysiology › View

If you trace the path of blood flow to & through the heart, where does the unoxygenated blood enter the heart on its path to lungs for oxygen?

A. top right side (atrium)

B. bottom right side (ventricle)

C. top left side (atrium)

D. bottom left side (ventricles)