Medical Quiz

Biotechnology Quiz

Plant cells have all of the following except____.

A. Cell wall

B. Nucleus

C. Chloroplast

D. Centrioles

Select your answer:


Mental Health Pathology of Respiratory System Pathogens, Disease and Immunity Body Fluids & Circulation Pathophysiology Cardiovascular Pathophysiology Purpose and Function of the Skeletal System Cardiovascular Physiology - Function Molecular Genetics Integrated Science Muscle Origin, Insertion, and Function Cell Reproduction Skin Diseases Pathophysiology_Endocrine The Teeth Plant Biotechnology

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What is the purpose of the valves in the heart?

A. To prevent pathogens from entering the heart

B. To control how fast the heart beats

C. To keep the blood flowing in only one direction

D. To separate the heart into two sides

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Experiencing a green afterimage of a red object is most easily explained by

A. the opponent-process theory.

B. frequency theory.

C. place theory.

D. the Young-Helmholtz theory.