Medical Quiz

Pharmacology Quiz

A person studying how the body absorbs, uses, and eliminates codeine is engaged in the pharmacological specialty called?

A. Pharmacotherapeutic

B. Pharmacodynamics

C. Pharmacokinetics

D. Pharmaconeurology

Select your answer:


Auditory and Vestibular Neurology Nervous System Movement Oral Surgery Hematology / Oncology Nail Diseases and Disorders Skills for Health Personal Growth Plan Medicinal use of Microorganisims Nature of Science Breathing ...Respiration Hematologic System Bariatric Surgery and Diabetes Oxygenation Stress

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Health Systems › View

Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)
A. Health insurance plan that allows you to see any doctor, anytime.  Usually has a copayment and is cheaper if you use in-network doctors.
B. Health insurance plan that requires you to work with a primary care physician to manage you care.  Also  require you to use in-network services.
C. Health insurance plan that combines elements of HMO and PPO. You can use a Primary Care Physician or direct your own care.