Medical Quiz

Neuroanatomy Quiz

When you have visual changes which part of the brain is most likely affected?

A. •Temporal lobe

B. Occipital lobe

C. •Frontal lobe

D. •Parietal lobe

Select your answer:


Physical Fitness Defence against Infectious Diseases Viruses and Prions Parts of the Body Bacteriology The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics Glucose in the Body ADVBIO Genetics Fainting and Nosebleed Movement and Locomotion Branches of Medicine My Teeth Human Body Systems The nervous system & brain Introduction to Histology

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What is Mark Inglis’s achievement?

A. recorded more than 30 top ten hits

B. wrote 12 books

C. authored numerous books and papers

D. climbed Mount Everest in 47 days

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The ability to change your body’s position quickly to control your body’s movements.

A. Agility

B. Balance

C. Coordination

D. Reaction Time