Medical Quiz

Disease Quiz

to experience something, especially a change or something unpleasant

A. Overcome

B. Transfer

C. Undercover

D. Undergo

Select your answer:


Asexual/Sexual Reproduction Endodontic Surgery Health and Social Care Gastroenterology Composition Of Human Blood Dermis Anatomy and Physiology Skeletal System Tenses Muscle Origin, Insertion, and Function Tongue and Skin Vital Signs Renal, Cancer, HIV Protozoan Diseases The Musculoskeletal System Type 1 Diabetes

Other quiz:

Mutations, Replication, and Cancer › View

DNA replication turns one strand of DNA into two new strands of DNA. What percent of each new strand is the old strand?

A. Half of each new DNA is the old DNA

B. The old strand of DNA was digested, so none

C. The new DNA is entirely made up of the old DNA

D. About every sixth base comes from the old DNA

Health Systems › View

A 30 year woman broke her arm and went to the ER for treatment. Her health insurance plan has a $1,500 deductible. What does this mean
A. She can deduct $1,500 from the hospital bill, but must pay the rest
B. The hospital will only charge her $1,500
C. She is resoponsible for paying, $1,500 of her medical expenses before her insurance starts to pay
D. Her insurance company will only pay $1,500 and she must pay the rest