Medical Quiz

Pathogens, Disease and Immunity Quiz

Which type of external defense is not considered a ‘first line defense’.

A. Lymphatic Organs

B. Tears

C. Saliva

D. Skin (epithelial cells)

E. Mucous and cilia

Select your answer:


Brain, Neurons and The Nervous System Conjunctivita Pulmonology/Respiratory Urinary Thyroid Disease Health and Wellness Pulmonary Edema and CHF Tracheostomy Care The Respiratory System Serology/Blood Typing Virus, Bacteria, Immunity Thrombosis, Emboliya Skeleton and Muscles Hospital Wards and Departments Types of Immunity

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Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), is characterized by immune complexes in serum and the basement membranes of many organs and joints.  This involves Polyclonal B-cell activation resulting in increased production of IgM and IgG, which activate complement.  Which of the following complement proteins functions as a chemotactic attractant for neutrophils, as well as an anaphylatoxin?

A. C3

B. C3b

C. C4a

D. C5a

Human Anatomy Study Guide › View

The ability of an organism to create offspring is ___________________________________

A. reproduction

B. evolution

C. development

D. growth