Medical Quiz

Endodontic Surgery Quiz

A patient has a root canal infection and wants to avoid surgery. Which of the following is the most appropriate course of action?

A. Extract the tooth

B. Perform an apicoectomy

C. Perform root canal retreatment

D. Perform apexification

Select your answer:


Health and The Environment Transportation and Excretion Hele Skeletal System Histology Lung & Breathing Nail Enhancement Agents of Disease Cell Diversity - Organization, Tissues, Plants and Animals Stress and Mental Health Biopsychology - Neuroplasticity and Functional Recovery Virus and Bacteria Animal Genetics and Nutrition DNA, RNA, Proteins Counseling: Fact or Myth? ology & phobia

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Cells › View

Which organism performs all life processes in one cell?

A. grass

B. bacteria

C. mushroom

D. butterfly

Diet › View

Which of the following nutrients provides energy to the body?
A. carbohydrates
B. vitamins
C. water
D. minerals