Medical Quiz

Oncology Quiz

Which of the following patients with small cell lung cancer should receive prophylactic cranial irradiation?

A. Patients with limited-stage SCLC who achieve a complete response to their initial therapy.

B. Patients with extensive-stage SCLC who do not respond to their initial therapy.

C. All patients with limited-stage SCLC.

D. All patients with extensive-stage SCLC.

Select your answer:


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An ___________fracture is one where the bone penetrates the skin.

A. Closed

B. Comminuted

C. Open

D. Transverse

Health issue related to immune system › View

What is the main effect of HIV?

A. It attacks and destroys liver tissue.

B. It causes painful blisters to appear around the genitals.

C. It slowly destroys the immune system.

D. It causes the immune system to overreact to pathogens.