Medical Quiz

Tutor Oral Biology Quiz

The predominant micro-organism in the first 24 hours of plaque formation are :

A. Vibrious

B. Filaments

C. Rods and Cocci

D. Cocci and filament

Select your answer:


Circulatory System - Pathway of Blood Oncology Branches of Medicine Microbio (Viruses) Breath Oronasal Suctioning Biochemistry PHE Hearing Impairment Types of Reproduction History of Immunology Blood Groups Thrombosis, Emboliya Healthcare Delivery Systems and Insurance Serology/Blood Typing

Other quiz:

Skin Structure › View

What is the muscle that pulls hair upright?

A. bicep femoris

B. arrector pili

C. hair follicle

D. arrector spinae

DNA Replication › View

Which is the second step?

A. DNA Helicase unwinds original DNA strand

B. RNA Primase lays down RNA primer for new nucleotide bases.

C. DNA polymerase builds new strands by bring in new nucleotide bases.

D. Ligase knits together fragments on lagging strand