Medical Quiz

Pathology Quiz

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

A. inflammation of the joints

B. inflammation of the muscles

C. inflammation of the skin

D. inflammation of the ankles

Select your answer:


Digestion and Absorption of Carbohydrates Circulation of Blood Inflammation and Tissue Repair Muscular Iron Kinetics Central and Peripheral Nervous System Neuroanatomy of CNS Public Health and Genetic Disease Plasmid Pancreas Cardiovascular Med Terms Microorganism - Diseases Body System Interactions Organisms Cardiovascular Physiology - Function

Other quiz:

Hormones › View

What is the hormone secreted by hypothalamus?

A. TSH hormone

B. ACTH hormone

C. GnRH hormone

D. FSH hormone

Biology › View

the wall of the ventricle is thicker than that of the atrium