Medical Quiz

Endocrinology Quiz

Which of the following is not an indication for the use of Bromocriptine?

A. Stimulation of lactation

B. Acromegaly

C. Parkinsonism

D. Diabetes mellitus

Select your answer:


Perioperative Nursing Care Food Microbiology Pathology Wellness Vocabulary Vocabulary - Health Ecology & Organisms Gene Expression Macromolecules Health Care Biological Molecules and Enzymes Kidney - Loop of Henlé Consciousness and Sleep Neurology Acute Responses to Exercise Reproductive System Vocabulary

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Injury › View

The stretching or tearing of ___________ is a strain.

A. meniscus

B. muscle

C. ligament

D. connective tissue

Life Processes - Digestion and Respiration › View

What is the mode of nutrition in fungi?

A. Autotrophic

B. Heterotrophic

C. Saprophytic

D. Parasitic