Medical Quiz

Injury Quiz

The stretching or tearing of ___________ is a strain.

A. meniscus

B. muscle

C. ligament

D. connective tissue

Select your answer:


Sensory System Key Terms Vet Terminology Nutrition in Humans and Animals Cholera The Teeth The Human Body Health and Wellness A&P Musculoskeletal Vitals Introduction to Mycology Hospitality Neuroanatomy Body Fluids and Blood Cells Health Issues and Concerns Pain Pathophysiology

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Human Genetics › View

A chromosomal disorder in which it happens a loss of a chromosomal fragment is:

A. A deletion

B. A duplication

C. An inversion

D. A translocation

Sense of Sight › View

What part of the eye that attaches to the retina and carries impulses from the light-sensitive cells to the brain?

A. aqueous humor

B. vitreous humor

C. optic nerve

D. Rods