Medical Quiz

Molecular Genetics Quiz

Liver cells differ from skin cells mainly because they…

A. have unique ribosomes.

B. use different genetic codes.

C. contain different genes.

D. express different genes.

Select your answer:


Hospital Wards and Departments Urinary System Medical Terms Medicine Clinics Germs & Diseases Tongue and Skin Healthy Lifestyle Nutrition in Animals Anatomy: Muscle Upper Limb Microorganisms, Health and Diseases Radiation and Health Muscular System NCHSE Environment Enzymes and Digestion Human Excretory System

Other quiz:

Musculoskeletal System › View

The _____ bone is the smooth, hard, white layer of bone. It bears stress from all directions.

A. spongy bone

B. compact bone

C. bone marrow

D. fibula

Hair Evidence › View

When processing hair found at a crime scene, we must determine if the origin is:

A. human or animal

B. human or reptile

C. reptile or mammal

D. human or alien