Medical Quiz

Restrictive Respiratory Disorders Quiz

The following are clinical manifestations of which restrictive pulmonary disease?

Pain; fever; inc HR; cough; dyspnea; shift of heart & vessels


B. Pneumonia

C. Pneumothorax

D. Plural effusion

Select your answer:


Food System & Nutrients Body System Connective Tissue Pathophysiology Immunity & Cancer Dermatosis Stress Endocrine System Deficiency Diseases Osteoporosis Digestive System Medical Terminology Excretory and Musculoskeletal System Bones Anatomy Tissue Repair Pathology Haematology

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delivers “cleaned” blood from the liver to the heart

A. hepatic portal vein

B. renal vein

C. aorta

D. vena cava

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Why is body position and body mechanics important in PNF?

A. So the athlete gets the best stretch

B. So the therapist gets the best stretch

C. So the therapist prevents fatigue and injury from performing resistance on the athlete

D. So the athlete prevents fatigue and injury from performing resistance on the therapists