Medical Quiz

Nervous System and Special Senses Quiz

Impulse conduction is fastest in neurons that are:

A. myelinated

B. unmyelinated

C. sensory

D. motor

Select your answer:


Transport System Cardiopulmonary Fats And Oil Immunity in Humans Proteins Psychopathology Microorganism - Diseases Musculoskeletal Diseases Lung & Breathing Erythrocyte Disorders Muscle Anatomy Nutrition form 2 DNA Replication Heart Anatomy Axial & Appendicular Skeleton

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Health and Nutrition › View

How many glasses of water does your body need in one day?

A. 0 – 3

B. 3-5

C. 6-8

D. 1,000

HHB Immunology › View

hypersensitive immune response to a normally harmless antigen 

A. allergic reaction 

B. membrane receptor 

C. faster production and higher concentration of antibodies 

D. antigen-antibody complex