Medical Quiz

Eyes and Hearing Quiz

Light enters the eye through the what?

A. Pupil

B. sclera

C. Cornea

D. iris

Select your answer:


HFT Vitamins Inhalation Injury Personal Growth Plan Prokaryotic Cells and Viruses Body System Principle of Health Science Cell The Musculoskeletal and Integumentary Systems Carbohydrates Hazards & Risks Joints Immunity & Cancer Macromolecules & Enzymes Respiratory and Urinary Body Fluids and Blood Cells

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What is used to listen the sound of the heart and lungs?

A. otoscope

B. stethoscope

C. hearscope

D. heartscope

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Shin splints are common in people who run on footpaths as part of their training. This is an example of the following injury class:

A. Acute

B. Inflammation

C. Environmental

D. Overuse