Medical Quiz

Central Nervous System Quiz

What is “stimuli”?

A. A major organ in the brain that is a part of the nervous system. 

B. What your body does to a change or a signal. 

C. A change or a signal your body receives. 

Select your answer:


Endocrinology Metabolic Sauver Pharmacology Calculations Bacteria and Viruses EKG Medical Term Neuroanatomy Health and Diseases Asthma Factors that Affect Health and Wellness Immunisation Diabetes Mellitus Food Enzymes Organelles Lipids

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What is the name of the tube that is also known as your wind pipe?

A. esophogus

B. bronchi

C. trachea

D. alveoli

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The direction blood is carried through the pulmonary artery
A. afferent
B. efferent