Medical Quiz

Transplantation Immunology Quiz

Who can be a donator?

A. Anyone, regardless of age or medical history.

B. Only those who have never undergone difficult operations before.

C. People under the age of 60.

D. Only people in perfect health.

Select your answer:


Division of Microbiology Reproduction Hospital Departments Cancer (Bio II) Biochemistry Cell & Bond Brain and Nervous System Cells, Tissues and Organs Adaptive Immune System Bone Biopsychology - Neuroplasticity and Functional Recovery Epithelial Tissue Radiography Medical Nursing Essential Nutrients

Other quiz:

Digestive System › View

Which parts of the diagram is the small and large intestine?

A. A~ small intestine
E~ large intestine

B. D~ small intestine
E~ large intestine

C. C~ large intestine
B~ small intestine

D. A~ large intestine
C~ small intestine

E. E~ small intestine
D~ large intestine

Integumentary System › View

Human papilloma virus causes

A. warts

B. cold sores

C. eczema

D. rosacea