Medical Quiz

Urinary System Quiz

The sac that holds the urine is known as the ?

A. ureter

B. bladder

C. kidney

D. urethra

Select your answer:


Oral Surgery The Respiratory System Microbiology Skin Children Well-being Fat Name that Pathogen Major Nutrients Movement Coronary Heart Diseases Health Related Fitness Hematology / Oncology Transport system in Living Things (Human) Cancer (Bio II) Abnormal Psychology; Assessment and Diagnosis

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Pathology › View

What can happen in the esophagus and trachea during agony ?

A. gastric contents: due to regurgitation and aspiration

B. air stuck: due to regurgitation and aspiration

C. acid burn: due to regurgitation and aspiration

D. acid burn: due to gastric contents

Cosmetology › View

Without a through understanding of ________, Cosmetologists could damage hair, cause hair loss, and harm their clients and themselves.

A. Color theory

B. Chemistry

C. Immunology

D. Braiding