Medical Quiz

Body Structures and Organ Systems Quiz

Red bone marrow in the bone produces new blood cells. This process is known as_____________?

A. Hematology

B. Hematopoiesis

C. Homeostasis

D. Hemolysis

Select your answer:


Renal Pathology Endocrine Pulmonary Edema and CHF CP A&P: Cardiovascular Limitation of Senses Central and Peripheral Nervous System Skin Structure Cardiovascular System Cellular Respiration Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa Fungi Tenses Non-infectious Disease Brain and Nervous System Fat Cell Theory

Other quiz:

Circulatory System › View

Deoxygenated blood means that the blood is low in…

A. Oxygen

B. Carbon Dioxide

Musculoskeletal System › View

Which bones protect the heart and lungs?

A. The Ribs

B. The skull

C. The spine

D. The Femur