Medical Quiz

Pathophysiology_Endocrine Quiz

Which gland secretes insulin?

A. Pancreas

B. Ovaries

C. Pituitary

D. Thymus

Select your answer:


All About Blood Nutrition In Animal Skin Growth Health issue related to immune system Personal Growth Plan Disease, Illness and Sickness The Teeth Types of Nutrients Gastroenterology Nursing Gaseous Exchange in Humans Pulmonology Heterotrophic Nutrition Vocabulary for Organisms in Ecosystems Biology Assessment Hematologic System

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Type of necrosis present in tuberculosis

A. Fat necrosis

B. Coagulative necrosis

C. Caseous necrosis

D. Liquefactive necrosis

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What does M stand for in MRS GREN?

A. Muscle

B. Movement

C. Microscope

D. Massive