Medical Quiz

Bonding and the Periodic Table Quiz

What is “Specific Heat?”

A. the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one Kilogram of a material by one degree Celsius

B. the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of a material by one degree Fahrenheit.

C. the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one Kilogram of a material by one degree Fahrenheit.

D. the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of a material by one degree Celsius

Select your answer:


Axial & Appendicular Skeleton ADVBIO Genetics Virus, Bacteria, Immunity Micro Immunology Teeths Glucose in the Body Renal My Teeth Medical Terminology Gastroinestinal Gastroenterology Transplantation Immunology Sensory Disorder Molecular Basis of Inheritance Bones Anatomy Renal, Cancer, HIV Cells, Tissues and Organs

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Which specific anatomy is better visualized with a fan lateral as compared with the other lateral projections of the hand?

A. Metacarpals 4 and 5!

B. Phalanges

C. Tarsals

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Which of the following is correct about variables?

A. independent changes due to dependent

B. dependent changes due to dependent

C. independent never changes, it’s independent

D. dependent changes due to independent