Medical Quiz

Malaria Quiz

World Malaria Day was first held in ______.

A. 2001

B. 2020

C. 1993

D. 2008

Select your answer:


General Microbiology and Immunology Gastroenterology Nursing Vision (AP Psych) Energy, Hydrology, Microbiology Musculoskeletal System Responses to Exercises Musculoskeletal Disorders The Energy Nutrients Patient-Centered Endocrinology Biochemistry: Carbohydrates and Lipids Hygiene and Nutrition Digestion and Absorption of Carbohydrates What is Psychology? Body Diseases of The Body Systems Immunity in Humans

Other quiz:

Introduction to Histology › View

Science of the origin and development of living organisms.

A. Histology

B. Pathology

C. Physiology

D. Embryology

Immunology IBD › View

What was the main objective of the IM-UNITI maintenance study?

A. To investigate the efficacy and safety of Ustekinumab 90 mg q8w or q12w versus placebo over a 44-week period

B. To investigate the efficacy and safety of Ustekinumab 130 mg q5w or q10w versus placebo over a 44-week period

C. To investigate the efficacy and safety of Ustekinumab 80 mg q12w versus adalimumab or placebo over a 44-week period

D. To investigate the efficacy and safety of Ustekinumab ~6 mg/kg or 130 mg versus placebo over a 48-week period