Medical Quiz

Nutrition Quiz

How do cells obtain the energy and materials necessary for the work they do?

A. They release nitrogen.

B. They take in nutrients.

C. They move around in the body.

D. They produce oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Select your answer:


Pathophysiology Biochemistry of Diabetes The Digestive System Environment Musculoskeletal Disorders Enzymes & Metabolism HL ESR (RBC sed rate) The Nervous System Muscular Asexual Reproduction Human Genetics Muscoskeletal Injuries Proteins Anatomy Bones Malaria

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A cell in the skin and eyes that produces and contains the pigment called melanin .

A. Melanoma

B. Carcinoma

C. Melanocytes

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When a ligament is damaged it is known as a…..

A. Strain

B. Sprain

C. Tear

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