Medical Quiz

Integumentary System Medical Terminology Quiz

What are the 3 layers of the skin?

A. Epidermis, dermis, hair

B. Dermis, hypo dermis, nails

C. Epidermis, dermis, fatty layer

Select your answer:


Diagnostic Tools Movement and Locomotion Pathogens, Disease and Immunity Homeostasis - Vision Correction Innate Immunity Pulmonary System Tissues Vocabulary First Aid Check up Fish Health Management Nervous System Functioning Gestalt Therapy Living Organisms Immune Response Vital Signs Pulse

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How many servings of cereals are recommended based on food pyramid?

A. 6 – 8 servings

B. 1 – 2 servings

C. 3-5 servings

D. 5-9 servings

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The nervous system as a whole is divided into how many main subdivisions?

A. 3

B. 10

C. 2

D. 16