Medical Quiz

Vitamin Quiz

Where are people with Beri beri likely to live

A. Poor countries

B. Rich countries

C. under water

D. In the sky

Select your answer:


Neuroanatomy & Physiology History of Immunology EMR - Trauma Schizophrenia Health and The Environment Circulatory System and Nutrition Illness and Symptoms Type of Dementia Cell Theory & Melanoma Forensics: Blood Regulation of Urine Formation Surgical Vocabulary The Nervous System and The Senses Polio How the Eyes work

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Anatomy And Physiology › View

The shoulder is ____ to the elbow.

A. Proximal

B. Distal

C. Superior

D. Inferior

Organelles › View

Liver cells regularly detoxify drugs and poisons. Which of the following organelles might they have a great amount of?

A. Nucleus

B. Smooth ER

C. Rough ER

D. Cytoskeleton