Medical Quiz

Biology Quiz

In winter, a bat stays in its cave, and its body temperature drops, its heart rate slows to a fraction of its normal rate, and it is barely breathing. What is this behavior called?

A. Migration

B. Hibernation

C. courtship behavior

D. territorial behavior

Select your answer:


BMI, Body Composition and Body Types Human Genome and Bioethics Review Cardiorespiratory System Restrictive Respiratory Disorders Protozoan Diseases Sensory System Key Terms Organ Senses and Locomotor System Communicable Diseases and Immune Response (OCR) Physical Education and Health First Aid Check up Physical Pharmacy Tissue Repair Pathology Fitness Health and The Environment Radiology Infection Control

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The pair movement of a muscle is called:

A. Agonist

B. Reciprocal Inhibition

C. Antagonist

D. All or nothing

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The 2 main motions that occur at the joint are:

A. Flexion and Rotation

B. Rotation and extension

C. Flexion and circumduction

D. Flexion and Extension