Medical Quiz

Nutrition Quiz

Which of the following would be considered a Low GI Carbohydrate

A. White Rice

B. Wholewheat Bread

C. Ice Cream

D. Glucose Gel

Select your answer:


Dental Caries Organ Systems Human Health Physiothearpy in Neurology Vision and Hearing Defects Branches of Microbiology Healthy Living Vocabulary Human Body and Pathogens Health and Diseases Nutrition form 2 Genetics Vocabulary Effects of Exercise on the Musculoskeletal System Virus and Bacteria Bacteria, Viruses, and Fungi Microbio (Viruses)

Other quiz:

Fats and Coronary Heart Disease › View

What is the primary function of fats in the human body?

A. Energy storage

B. Building muscle

C. Transporting oxygen

D. Regulating body temperature

Respiratory and Urinary › View

Alveoli increase the surface area in the lungs to allow…

A. More nutrients to be absorbed

B. You to breathe faster

C. You to breathe slower

D. More O2 and CO2 to exchange