Medical Quiz

Musculoskeletal System Quiz

Contract your bicep muscle; what happens to the bicep muscle when you do this?

A. Bicep muscle becomes long and strong

B. Bicep muscle becomes short and thick

C. Bicep muscle becomes short and thin

D. Bicep muscle becomes long and relaxed

Select your answer:


Respiratory Cardiovascular Heredity and Living Cells Vision Skin Appendages Inhalation Injury SPED Law-lympics Muscoskeletal Injuries Transport System Nutrition and Biochemistry Vocabulary Blood and Hematology Maximal Oxygen Consumption (VO2 Max) Human Circulatory System Muscoskeletal System Health and Hygiene

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Obesity › View

A BMI of 26.5 kg/m^2 would be classified as:

A. Pre-obese

B. Obese Class III

C. Obese Class I

D. Obese Class II

Diabetes Mellitus › View

If total CO2 is less than 10 mmol/L, indicates …………….

A. Non ketotic D.M

B. Ketonuria

C. Metabolic acidosis

D. Insulinoma