Medical Quiz

Physical Quiz

Non communicable disease known as

A. Kids disease

B. Common disease

C. Chronic disease

Select your answer:


Forensics: Blood Brain/Neuron Anatomy Coronary Heart Diseases The Nervous System Teeth and Microbes EKG Medical Term Cells, Genetics & Heredity Review Laser in Medicine Covid-19 Tracheostomy Care Cell Neurons Health-Wellness-Illness Carbohydrate Metabolism Oral Hygiene

Other quiz:


The branch of medicine that deals with the provision and use of artificial devices such as splints and braces is _________

A. a) prosthetics

B. b) orthotics

C. c) laproscopic

D. d) augmentative communication

Respiration Anatomy and Physiology › View

serves as a partial attachment for many muscles, the smallest

A. the manubrium

B. the corpus

C. the xiphoid process