Medical Quiz

Respiratory System Quiz

What is the primary function of mucus and cilia in the nostrils?

A. Sound production

B. Filtration

C. Temperature Control

D. Respiration

Select your answer:


Vision & Hearing Genetics Tib/Fib, Knee and Femur Safety and First Aid Anatomy and Physiology Skeletal System Lifetime Wellness Stimuli and Responses in Humans Biodiversity Life Cycle - Bee First Aid Bleeding Circulatory and Respiratory System Nervous System and Special Senses Major Nutrients Oncology Coronary Heart Diseases

Other quiz:

Human Eye and Colorful World › View

The ability of eye lens to adjust its focal length to form a sharp image of the object at varying distances on the retina is called

A. Power of observation of the eye

B. Power of adjustment of the eye

C. Power of accommodation of the eye

D. Power of enabling of the eye

Cellular Transport and Metabolism › View

What is the main difference between passive transport and active transport?

A. Passive transport requires energy, while active transport does not.

B. Active transport requires energy, while passive transport does not.

C. Passive transport can only move molecules out of the cell.

D. Active transport can only move molecules into the cell.