Medical Quiz

Skeletal System Quiz

What is a common disease that has to do with the skeletal system

A. Alzheimer’s

B. Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome

C. Osteonecrosis

D. Asthma

Select your answer:


Introduction to Histology Immune System Musculoskeletal System Responses to Exercises Mnt For Pulmonary Disease and Adverse Reactions to Food Cellular Transport and Metabolism Disease Cards Muscle Tissues Medical Vocabulary Organelles Microorganisms, Health and Diseases Types of Reproduction Nursing Vocabulary Sensory System Anatomy and Pathology Breathing ...Respiration Pathophysiology of Injuries and Diseases

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The transport network of the muscle is called the

A. Epimysium

B. Sarcoplasmic reticulm

C. Perimysium

D. Sarcoplasm

Nervous / Sensory System › View

Select the five organs that make up the sensory system.

A. Smell, eyes, touch, tongue and hearing.

B. Tongue, skin, sight, smell and ears.

C. Touch, ears, nose, eyes and tongue.

D. Ears, tongue, skin, eyes and nose.