Medical Quiz

Skeletal System Quiz

It is attached to the cagelike flat, curved bones

A. collar bones

B. breastbone

C. ribs

D. floating ribs

Select your answer:


Human Body Hazards & Risks Hematology in Veterinary Medicine Hemodynamics Cells & Body Systems Stem Cells & Cell Differentiation Digestive System Medical Terminology Thrombosis, Emboliya The Energy Nutrients Cell Division Cardiology Medications Viruses and Prions Virus Cellular Components Microbiology

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A cooked potato can jump-start your brain when your feeling foggy.



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What is herd immunity?

A. The number of disease-fighting white blood cells in a person

B. Large number of individuals in a community becomes immune to a disease

C. Immunity in a herd of cows

D. The number of people that opt out of getting vaccinations