Medical Quiz

Cardiorespiratory Endurance Quiz

Which is a specific benefit of physical activity and increased cardiorespiratory endurance for your heart?

A. Bigger heart muscle pumps blood more efficiently

B. Improves Blood Flow

C. Improves Lung Capacity

D. Hold More Air

Select your answer:


Orthopaedic Neurology Musculoskeletal Disorders Injury Healthcare Careers Biotechnology Pathology of Respiratory System Human Circulatory System Knee Anatomy Trichology Radiography Enzymes & Metabolism HL Enzymes and Movement of Substances Bone Development and Remodeling Musculoskeletal - Clinical Biochemistry: Carbohydrates and Lipids

Other quiz:

Cellular Components › View

All peroxisomes carry out this function

A. break down fats and amino acids into smaller molecules that can be used for energy production by mitochondria

B. digest macromolecules using the hydrolytic enzymes they contain

C. synthesize membrane components such as fatty acids and phospholipids

D. control the flow of ions into and out of the cell

Major Nutrients › View

The nutrients your body needs in larger amounts.

A. Macronutrients

B. Micronutrients