Medical Quiz

Genetic Diseases Quiz

PKU is

A. Autosomal recessive

B. Autosomal dominant

Select your answer:


Cardiorespiratory System Respiratory and Circulatory Musculoskeletal System Responses to Exercises Surgical Nutrition Gene Expression Health and Wellness Antimicrobial Pharmacology Orthopedic Surgeon Mouth - Stomach Cell and Muscle Histology Cell Theory & Melanoma What is Psychology? Respiratory System Med Term Human Excretory System Cardiology Services Med Terms

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Which best describes the nutrients that are sources of energy for the body?

A. fats and proteins

B. water and carbohydrates

C. fats and carbohydrates

First Aid Bleeding › View

When your patient demonstrates signs of internal bleeding, you should NOT do which of the following?

A. call 911

B. lay person down and treat for shock

C. give him water to drink