★ The Skeletal System Quiz
Which term best describes the joints at the top of your skull?
A. Motionless
B. Flexible
C. Rubbery
D. Elastic
Select your answer:
Body Fluids Body Movements Microbiology Cell & Bond Disease & Immunity Immunisation The Cell Cycle Respiration in Organisms Bone Marrow Histology 5 Major Food Groups Anatomy - Cellular Respiration Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins Disease Cell Theory & Melanoma ToxicologyOther quiz:
Clinical Pathology › ViewOne of the main functions of the urinary system is to remove urea from the blood.
Blood & Blood Vessels › View
__________ is the clear, thin, and sticky fluid portion of blood that remains after coagulation. It contains no blood cells, platelets, or fibrinogen.
A. plasmam
B. water
C. blood proteins
D. serum