Anitigens on pathogens which have got into the human body can lead to the development of specific immunity.
That is an immunity which responds only to this antigen.
Which of the following cells causes the specific immunity?
A. Erythrocytes
B. Macrophages
C. Lymphocytes
D. Phagocytes
Select your answer:
Vital Signs Circulatory System Skin Structure and Growth Anxiety Disorders Endocrine System Hygiene and Nutrition Health and Nutrition Disease, Illness and Sickness Protein Synthesis Enzymes Neurological Concepts Bacterial Growth BIOMEDICAL MCQ Cell and Muscle Histology Genetics and Probability Heterotrophic NutritionOther quiz:
Immunology › ViewIn the precipitin curve, the zone of antibody excess is known as:
A. Zone of Equivalence
B. Ozone
C. Postzone
D. Prezone
Integumentary and Musculoskeletal System › View
Where is the bone marrow found?
A. Periosteum
B. Compact bone
C. Spongy bone
D. Synovial fluid