Medical Quiz

Musculoskeletal System Quiz

Arthritis is a

A. Terrible disease

B. Bone disorder

C. Muscular disorder

D. Due to a calcium deficiency

Select your answer:


Liveability Respiratory and Urinary Heart and Blood Vessels Psychiatry Tissue Repair Pathology Med Term Musculoskeletal Disease and Immunity Health and Wellness Visual Impairment Inflammation and Healing Acute Responses to Exercise The Musculoskeletal and Integumentary Systems Hele Skeletal System Fats And Oil Effects of Exercise on the Musculoskeletal System

Other quiz:

Major Internal Organs of the Body › View

It allows voluntary and involuntary movements of the parts of the body. They help maintain posture and generate heat in the body.

A. bones

B. muscles

C. nerves

D. tissues

Anatomy › View

The gap between the nerve and the muscle is called the

A. Synaptic cleft

B. Origin

C. Insertion

D. Rigor Mortis