Medical Quiz

Mutations Quiz

Some mutations may be beneficial in some environmental contexts and detrimental in others.



Select your answer:


Nutrition Lipid Lipid Metabolism Specialties: Neurological and Geriatric Foot Orthosis Vocab Cardiovascular Physiology - Function Anatomy of the Eye Malaria Cell Transport Hospital Departments Infection Control Respiration, Immune System, Blood Cells Measles and Hib Human Body and Pathogens Vitamin Visual Impairment

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The following is the pathophysiology of which restrictive pulmonary disease?

Fluid migrates through walls of capillaries (inc in capillary pressure; inc in capillary permeability; dec in colloidal osmotic pressure; inc in intrapleural negative pressure; impaired lymph drainage)

A. Plural effusion

B. Pneumothorax


D. Pneumonia

Branches of Medicine › View

The branch of medicine that deals with the study of the mind.

A. Psychology

B. Pediatrics

C. Pathology

D. Psychiatry