Medical Quiz

The Brain Quiz

What is a function of the cerbellum “the little brain”?

A. memory storage

B. maintain homeostasis

C. balance and equilibrium

D. language and learning

Select your answer:


Digestive System Medical Terminology Hospitality SPED Law-lympics Bones Biodiversity Blood & Blood Vessels Medical Terminology Gastroinestinal Gastroenterology Antimicrobial Pharmacology Cell & Bond Circulatory & Respiratory System Illness and Symptoms Diseases Clinical Pathology Pathogens Life Processes

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Science of the origin and development of living organisms.

A. Histology

B. Pathology

C. Physiology

D. Embryology

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Which of the following is NOT a sign or symptom of a seizure?

A. staring spell

B. muscle aches

C. temporary confusion

D. numbess