Medical Quiz

Understanding Psychology Nervous System Quiz

Identify letter “c” from the picture.

A. Soma

B. Nucleus

C. Dendrites

D. Myelin sheath

Select your answer:


Circulation and Excretion Biochemistry/Cells PHE Healthy Lifestyle Disorders of The Joints Tissues Neurons T Cells Deficiency Disease Hematologic System Prokaryotic Cells and Viruses Biomedical Viruses Biomolecules Physical Fitness Renal Pharmacology Endocrinology

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Skel, Musc, Nerv, Circ, Resp › View

How does the skeletal system interact with the nervous system?

A. the nervous system provides the blood and oxygen to developing bones

B. the nervous system provides nutrients and minerals to developing bones

C. the skeletal system controls the messages sent to the brain and spinal cord

D. the skeletal system provides protection to the brain and spinal cord

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The system that is responsible for regulating the calmer functions of our existence is the:

A. Sympathetic Nervous System

B. Peripheral Nervous system

C. Parasympathetic Nervous System

D. All of the above