Medical Quiz

Healthcare Systems and Settings Quiz

A nurse delegates a task to you. You must

A. complete the task

B. decide to accept or refuse the task

C. Delegate the task to another CNA

D. Ignore the request if you do not know what to do

Select your answer:


Parts of the Brain Inherited & Acquired Traits Diabetes Pathophysiology Microbial Growth & Nutrition Respiratory and Circulatory Human Digestive System Pathogens - Bacteria and Viruses Pediatric Cardiology A Treat For Mosquitoes Cells, Genetics & Heredity Review Microrganisms Body Humanistic and Biological Psychology Immunology Renal Replacement Therapies

Other quiz:

Human Organs › View

What do I do? main funtion
A.     Regulates body function using hormones
B.     Take in oxygen and give off carbon dioxide
C.     Break down food into nutrients
D.     Transport nutrients to the cells and carry wastes away from the cells
E.     Controls the body’s actions through electrical impulses.

Diseases › View

Which disease is caused by a virus and causes muscle aches and a high fever?

A. Influenza

B. Cold

C. Strep Throat

D. Athletes foot