Topics: Transport System Quiz
A recording of the electrical activity of a patient’s heart shows that the atria are contracting regularly and normally, but every few beats the ventricles fail to contract. Which of the following is probably not functioning properly?
A. AV node
B. Semilunar valve
C. SA node
D. AV valve
Select your answer:
Population Ecology Hospital Departments Patho_Genetics Blood Donation Terms for The Skeletal System Renal, Cancer, HIV Bacteria and Viruses First Aid Check up Fitness Nutrition in Humans and Animals Skeleton Muscoskeletal System Nutrition and Biochemistry Vocabulary Neurons Emergency MedicineOther quiz:
Visual Impairment › ViewWhat is chromatopsia?
A. hearing impairment
B. causes colorblindness
C. visual impairment
Illness and Symptoms › View
When stuff is coming out of your nose and won’t stop.
A. bloody nose
B. runny nose
C. nose
D. diarrhea