Medical Quiz

Topics: Stroke Quiz

Which arteries supply the front of the brain?

A. carotid arteries

B. vertebral arteries

Select your answer:


Ankle, Foot, & LL - Injuries Branches of Microbiology Male Reproductive System Blood/Lymphatic/Immune Mutations, Replication, and Cancer Cells and Organ Systems Fish Health Management SPED Law-lympics Nervous System Muscle Anatomy Dermatology Vocabulary Bacteria and Viruses The Musculoskeletal System Homeotic Genes and Cancer Diabetes Pathophysiology

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Sunlight is considered to be a renewable resource because……

A. sunlight is everywhere

B. photosynthesis is a necessity

C. it is available for billions of years

D. we can convert it to electrical energy

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Unicellular eukaryotic organisms capable of movement:may cause infections (malaria, African sleeping sickness

A. Virus

B. Bacteria

C. Fungi

D. Protozoa